Greens renovations were successfully completed this month.
Everything went really well with removing plenty of thatch and after two weeks, we have just started using the roller as most of the sand has been washed in, thanks to daily showers.
The lower height mower cutting heads for the greens mower will wait to go out until all sand is gone, most likely at the end of this month.
We have ordered some new rope for the paths down the 3rd and 11th and other areas will be looked at before heading into cooler, wet conditions.
The boys have been doing really well with keeping on top of the rough mowing, including afternoon mowing as you can almost see the grass growing behind you. Fairways, tees and greens surrounds are currently being cut twice a week. There is plenty of narrow leaf grass through fairways and some greens surrounds that the fairway mower cannot cut as it folds the leaf.
When the heat moves on, we will do what we normally do and lower the rough mowers and address the issue with the rotary blades.
The 2nd green has survived its carpet grass transformation and is looking much better. More follow up with fertiliser applications to be done to this green.
The 18th drain in front of the clubhouse and buggy shed was cleaned out by Kev and his excavator, along with the 4th drain. The 18th tee and 9th tee areas had a clean up around the garden and tree limbs.
All hedges around the 1st & 10th tees, 7th tee, 5th tee and 12th tee have been trimmed and tidied.
All banks, tee batters, dam walls, marker plates and drains have been snipped.